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Writer's pictureFraser Buchan


Table of Contents Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 1. Power Through Prayer and its Personal Implications …............................................................ 1.1. The Impact of Power Through Prayer........................................................................................ 1.2. The Challenge of Power Through Prayer.................................................................................. 1.3. Changed by Power Through Prayer.......................................................................................... Conclusion........................................................................................................................................... Works Cited.........................................................................................................................................


In this condensed article, I will evaluate the vital importance of personal, “Power Through Prayer” (Bounds 1999). Prayer, if understood and applied correctly under the anointing and leading of the Holy Spirit has the potential of changing a generation. Prayer is the channel in which the Kingdom of God releases its reforming-revival power. I will also attempt to explain how the writings of E.M. Bounds on the subject of prayer have profoundly impacted, challenged, and changed my life.

1. Power Through Prayer and its Personal Implications

1.1. The Impact of Power Through Prayer

Bounds (1999: chap 1) makes this statement which has profoundly impacted my spiritual life, “The Holy Ghost does not flow through methods, but through men. He does not come on machinery, but on men. He does not anoint plans, but men — men of prayer”. It is evident in scripture that the Holy Spirit only works through consecrated men and women who understand the foundational principles of prayer (Gen 32:22-32; Matt 6:5-13). Modern 21st century church tends to dictate a variety of new methods, ideas and strategies in attempting to reach a post-modern pagan generation which has unanimously rejected religious Christendom. When we choose to advertently turn to the “machinery” of man’s cleverly invented schemes in reaching this world for Jesus over consecrated holiness before God in prayer, we unwittingly release darkness, confusion, and death. However, God’s answer to the chaos that is unfolding in the earth – is the man or woman of prayer. Through the process of dedicated prayer, God can forge a person into a supernatural “gateway” that unleashes power and life. 2 Chronicles 16:9a confirms this unchangeable fact, “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him (NKJV).

1.2. The Challenge of Power Through Prayer

Bounds (1999: chap 5) unequivocally states, “Praying is spiritual work; and human nature does not like taxing spiritual work.” I believe this is one of the greatest challenges I will face. A naturally gifted and talented person can hide behind their lack of prayer through theological study, intellectual prowess, and preaching rhetoric. Prayer is extremely humbling. It points out our need for total dependency upon God for any effective work being established, crucifies all self-effort, and stands against the onslaught of arrogance or self-importance. However, praying correctly has the capacity to unleash unlimited anointing, ground-breaking vision, unapparelled strategy, and heavenly assistance. The famous reformer, Martin Luther had a motto: “He that has prayed well has studied well.” Right throughout the Bible and church history, we have countless spiritual giants that have paved the way as an example for us through dedicated prayer. Jesus is our greatest model when it comes to imitating a lifestyle of prayer (Lk 3:21; 5:16; 6:12). Prayer remains the fundamental building block in a Christian’s life. Prayer can kindle an inner-revival fire that cannot be quenched (Jn 7:38). Prayer done and applied the right way can accomplish many unimaginable things (Jas 5:16-18). This remains a great challenge.

1.3. Changed by Power Through Prayer

In this small book on prayer, Bounds (1999: chap 9) has deeply changed my perception through this quote, “Our laziness after God is our crying sin. The children of this world are far wiser than we. They are at it early and late.” I have found this to be an alarming indictment against the Church in general and me personally. If spiritual work is prayer, then without a shadow of a doubt the world puts our spiritual work ethic to shame. History records that those men and women that have devoted themselves to early morning prayer have achieved the most for the Kingdom. Our devotion in seeking God needs to be manifest through our unbridled commitment in seeking Him early. The Bible sets the precedent in numerous scriptures about seeking God first thing in the morning (Gen 19:27; Ps 5:3; 119:147). Jesus is the greatest example found on early morning prayer in all of scripture, “Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed” (Mk 1:35, NKJV). I am on a devoted lifelong journey after God. Committed early devotional prayer has changed my life.


A devoted life to God has the possibility of impacting a generation through the power of prayer. Revival does not come through the ingenuity of man but by consecrated men and women who understand the principles of prayer. Prayer that leads to spiritual work being established through the Holy Spirit remains an ongoing challenge to the individual and the corporate Church. Jesus’ example of early morning devotion sets the tone for a lifelong pursuit of the “impossible” in God through the power of prayer.

Works Cited

New King James Version. 1982. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson

Bounds EM 1999. ‘Power through prayer’. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems.


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